I've recently discovered the wonders of TMB and I'm working on a package which would ideally include TMB c++ templates in it for rather computationally expensive models.
I'm assuming that there's a possibility of:
but I can't find any clear guidelines in the TMB documentation regarding this. As of now, my alternative is to write functions that compile the TMB code upon the first call of a function which uses an uncompiled class... but I have a feeling there are nicer ways to do this.
Has anyone successfully included TMB functions within another package and could point me in the direction of relevant documentation or examples?
With a bit more searching i finally found my answer in this thread. I guess I missed it because the resolutions it details were moved to the wiki page titled development, where the content is specifically targeted for users wishing to contribute to the development of TMB, whereas I just want to distribute code which incorperates TMB.
To summarize, the thread suggests some changes which I adopted like this (myPkg should be the name of your package):
template in mypkg/src
. This will then be automatically compiled by R when you build your package.Add these lines to your description file so R has all the tools necessary to compile the model template.
Depends: TMB, RcppEigen
LinkingTo: TMB, RcppEigen
Now we need to add our TMB template to the namespace file. We can do this easily through roxygen by making a dummy file like so:
#' Roxygen commands
#' @useDynLib myPkg
dummy <- function(){
The dummy function is just an excuse to have the tag @useDynLib myPkg
somewhere in my source code where I wont mess with it. This tag will populate your NAMESPACE with useDynLib(myPkg)
... and as I understand, this loads the shared libraries upon loading the package for you.
Finally, when calling MakeADFun
, set DLL="myPkg"
. With this setup, you can compile a single TMB model into your package. This is because the content compiled in your ./src/
folder will automatically be renamed according to your package name, thus you cannot create uniquely named models.
After some more searching (same thread as referenced above)... I realized that solution described in the official wiki (and detailed above) is only relevant for distributing a single dll (i.e. a single TMB model).
If you want to distribute multiple TMB models in a package, you'll have to use your own makefile. I've given a more detailed description in my blog, so I'll only briefly describe the steps here with regard to how they differ from the previous steps I described.
You'll have to define your own Makefile
(or Makefile.win
for windows users) and drop it in your src/
directory. Here's an example that works for me:
all: template1.so template2.so
# Comment here preserves the prior tab
template1.so: template1.cpp
Rscript --vanilla -e "TMB::compile('template1.cpp','-O0 -g')"
template2.so: template2.cpp
Rscript --vanilla -e "TMB::compile('template2.cpp','-O0 -g')"
rm -rf *o
For windows, replace so
, with dll
, and use the relevant compiler flags (for debugging). See ?TMB::compile
for info regarding compiler flags for debugging.
This is slightly different than above:
#' Roxygen commands
#' This is a dummy function who's purpose is to hold the useDynLib roxygen tag.
#' This tag will populate the namespace with compiled c++ functions upon package install.
#' @useDynLib template1
#' @useDynLib template2
dummy <- function(){
Finally, the above changes will compile multiple uniquely named TMB templates and load them into the namespace. To call these models in your package, here's an example:
obj <- MakeADFun(data = data,
parameters = params,
inner.control = list(maxit = 10000),
I had issues when I tried compiling this on a windows machine... it turned out to be related to not properly cleaning the src folder and I had old linux compiled files stuck in there. If you have compilation issues, its worth manually cleaning out the residual files in your src/
directory from previous builds... or perhaps someone can give some good advice on writing a better make file!