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Kotlin extension field for SharedPreference value by string constant key

Extension functions are great for the SharedPreference api in android. Jake Wharton has an interesting implementation at time code 32:30 of this video tutorial where he implements SharedPreferences extension function like so:

    set(USER_ID /*some string key constant somewhere*/, 42)

while this is ok, its kind of verbose.

This tutorial by Krupal Shah explains how you can reduce the getter/setter extension functions of SharedPreferences to:

preferences[USER_ID] = 42 
Log.i("User Id", preferences[USER_ID]) //User Id: 42    

This is pretty good, but the brackets imply iterable semantics, IMO. While not the worst thing in the world, you just wish that you could implement a field extension of a SharedPreferences value by the key constant itself.

My question is, is there any way to implement this type of extension on SharedPreferences?

preferences.USER_ID = 42
Log.i("User Id", preferences.USER_ID) //User Id: 42


  • First, let's create general interface for providing instance of SharedPreferences:

    interface SharedPreferencesProvider {
        val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences

    After we have to create delegate for property which will read/write value to preferences:

    object PreferencesDelegates {
        fun string(
            defaultValue: String = "",
            key: String? = null
        ): ReadWriteProperty<SharedPreferencesProvider, String> = 
            StringPreferencesProperty(defaultValue, key)
    private class StringPreferencesProperty(
        private val defaultValue: String,
        private val key: String?
    ) : ReadWriteProperty<SharedPreferencesProvider, String> {
        override fun getValue(
             thisRef: SharedPreferencesProvider, 
             property: KProperty<*>
        ): String {
            val key = key ?:
            return thisRef.sharedPreferences.getString(key, defaultValue)
        override fun setValue(
            thisRef: SharedPreferencesProvider,
            property: KProperty<*>, 
            value: String
        ) {
            val key = key ?:
  , value)

    PreferencesDelegates needed to hide implementation and add some readability to code. In the end it can be used like this:

    class AccountRepository(
        override val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
    ) : SharedPreferencesProvider {
        var currentUserId by PreferencesDelegates.string()
        var currentUserName by string() //With import
        var currentUserNickname by string(key = "CUSTOM_KEY", defaultValue = "Unknown")
        fun saveUser(id: String, name: String) {
            this.currentUserId = id
            this.currentUserName = name

    Similar can be implemented int, float or even custom type:

    open class CustomPreferencesProperty<T>(
        defaultValue: T,
        private val key: String?,
        private val getMapper: (String) -> T,
        private val setMapper: (T) -> String = { it.toString() }
    ) : ReadWriteProperty<SharedPreferencesProvider, T> {
        private val defaultValueRaw: String = setMapper(defaultValue)
        override fun getValue(
            thisRef: SharedPreferencesProvider, 
            property: KProperty<*>
        ): T {
            val key =
            return getMapper(thisRef.sharedPreferences.getString(key, defaultValueRaw))
        override fun setValue(
            thisRef: SharedPreferencesProvider, 
            property: KProperty<*>, 
            value: T
        ) {
            val key =
  , setMapper(value))

    I wrote small library which covers such case. You can find rest of implemented preferences here

    EDIT. In case if you are using dagger:

    class AccountRepository @Injcet constructor() : SharedPreferencesProvider {
        override lateinit var sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences
        var currentUserId by PreferencesDelegates.string()