I have two tabs with ngx-bootstrap like bellow, and I want to programatically stop tab functionality rom working:
<tab heading="First">Tab 1 content</tab>
<tab heading="Second">Tab 2 content</tab>
<label>Edit in progress: </label>
<input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isTabSwitchEnabled">
Basically, if I have a dirty form in, say, Tab 1, I want to popup a "Discard changes?" dialog before allowing the user to "navigate" to Tab 2. I see nothing on the ngx-bootstrap tabs API that I could use.
I have an example Stackblitz where I tried working with [disabled]
on tabs, and it works partways, but not fully, because I cannot set the tab programatically active (or I don't know how):
export class MyComponent {
disableSwitching: boolean;
@ViewChild('tabset') tabset: TabsetComponent;
@ViewChild('first') first: TabDirective;
@ViewChild('second') second: TabDirective;
confirmTabSwitch($event) {
if (this.disableSwitching) {
const confirm = window.confirm('Discard changes and switch tab?');
if (confirm) {
this.disableSwitching = false;
this.second.active = true;
The this.second.active = true
doesn't switch to the new tab, only marks it active. The same if I try with this.tabset.tabs[index].active = true;
Is there a way to have this functionality? Enable and disable switching tabs? Ideally bind it to a router too (but I definitely need programatic access).
Here's a working stackblitz example - https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-bootstrap-tabs-rs832l?file=app/app.component.ts
The thing here is that select
event emits before tabset sets active
property of all other tabs to false
so you need to wrap the code that selects a tab in a setTimeout
or something like that. This will set the active tab after all internal operations of the tabset.
Edit: as the OP says, at current (ngx-bootstrap@2.0.2) the workaround is to find the matching element on the tabset component and activate:
confirmTabSwitch($event) {
if (this.disableSwitching) {
const confirm = window.confirm('Discard changes and switch tab?');
if (confirm) {
this.disableSwitching = false;
const liArr = Array.from(this.tabsetEl.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('ul li'));
let tabIndex;
liArr.forEach((li, i) => {
if(li.contains($event.target)) {
tabIndex = i;
setTimeout(() => this.tabset.tabs[tabIndex].active = true);