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How to improve MongoDB performance with mongoose driver?

I have 2 collections in MongoDB.

  1. Document
  2. Data

Document has around 5K documents and getting the total count was pretty fast.

But later I added one more collection Data which has 1M records. Now if I tried to get the Total count of records in Document, its taking 20s in Mongoose. But in the Mongo Console its faster.

//Document Schema

var docSchema = mongoose.Schema({
            docId: String,
            articleid: String,
            lastModified: String,
docSchema.index({ docId: 1, articleid: 1 ,lastModified:1});
var Doc = mongoose.model('document', docSchema);

module.exports = Doc;

//Data Schema

var allData = mongoose.Schema({
    id: Number,
allData.index({ id: 1});
var data = mongoose.model('Data', allMetricsData);

module.exports = data;

And the aggregate function in Node.JS is like:

 Document.count(function(errs, count) {
   console.log("Count is:",count);

So how to improve the performance with Mongoose?

When I execute, db.documents.count() I'm getting the response instantly.


  • First thing, don't forget to put index on all main fields use in your queries.

    For example if all your query use the 'name' :

    Collection.find({name: "aaa"})

    or 'name' and 'age' :

    Collection.find({name:"aaa", "age": 4})

    Put index in your model as the following :

    var mongoose = require("mongoose")
    ActionCode = new mongoose.Schema({
        name:                   {type: String, default: ""},
        age:                    {type:Number, default: 0},
        otherfield:             {type:Number, default: 0},
    ActionCode.index({name:1, age: 1});
    module.exports = mongoose.model('ActionCode', ActionCode);

    Your index will be push into the ram, according to this the resolution of the document will be made faster.

    Then, it can take times due to the amount of returned document, only select needed fields, like this mongo will return to your server only needed field instead of whole documents :

    Example, if you need only name, age and type field:

     Collection.find({name: "aaa"},{name:1, age:1, field:1}, function(err, response){
            // returned documents here contains only following fields: _id, name, age, field



     Collection.find({}).select({_id: 1}).count(function(err, result)

    Or try an aggregate :

    Collection.aggregate([{$group:{_id: null, count:{$sum :1}}])