I have two tables which are joined by an ID...
table 1
- Assessment ID
- Module ID
- Assessment Weighting
table 2
- ID
- AssessmentID
- ModuleID
- UserID
- MarkFrom100
An assessment can have many students taking the assessment. For example A module has two assessments, one worth 60% and the other worth 40%. in table 2, I want to take the weighting value from table 1 and multiply it against the mark from 100.
SELECT * FROM Assessment, ModuleAssessmentUser WHERE
INNER JOIN moduleassementuser.assessmentID on Assessment.assessmentID
MULTIPLY AssessmentWeighting BY MarkFrom100 AS finalmark
UserID = 1
I know this is way off, but I really don't know how else to go about it.
My SQL knowledge is limited, so any help is appreciated!
You may use a SUM
function in your query which will sum all the data of a certain group in a sub query wich will allow you to multiply the sum to the weight
sub query :
SELECT ModuleID, AssessmentID, UserID, SUM(MarkFrom100) as Total
FROM Table_2
Then use this sub query as a table in a main query :
SELECT T1.Assessment_ID, T1.ModuleID, Q1.UserID (Q1.Total * T1.Assessment_Weighting) as FinalMark
FROM (SELECT ModuleID, UserID, SUM(MarkFrom100) as Total
FROM Table_2
INNER JOIN Table_1 as T1 on T1.ModuleID = Q1.ModuleID
-- WHERE T1.ModuleID = 2 -- a particular module ID
Note that the WHERE
statement is in comment. If you want the whole data, remove it, if you want a particular data, use it ^^
I don't have your database, so it may need some tweeks, but the main idea is there