Search code examples

Google geocode api not returning neighborhood in response

I am using Google Geocode API to fetch neighborhood from the latitude and longitude .

Below is the request URL -,-47.336828&sensor=true

Below is the response -

    "results": [
            "address_components": [
                    "long_name": "1224-1282",
                    "short_name": "1224-1282",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Rua Visconde de Porto Seguro",
                    "short_name": "R. Visc. de Porto Seguro",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Centro",
                    "short_name": "Centro",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Formosa, Goiás",
                    "short_name": "Formosa, Goiás",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Formosa",
                    "short_name": "Formosa",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Goiás",
                    "short_name": "GO",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "Brazil",
                    "short_name": "BR",
                    "types": [
                    "long_name": "73801-670",
                    "short_name": "73801-670",
                    "types": [

My Problem : I need the neighborhood name of the the latitude and longitude which I passed in the API request .

I have checked geocode google API Document here they are showing neighborhood in response please check below link and response .,-73.961452&sensor=true

   "results" : [
         "address_components" : [
               "long_name" : "277",
               "short_name" : "277",
               "types" : [ "street_number" ]
               "long_name" : "Bedford Avenue",
               "short_name" : "Bedford Ave",
               "types" : [ "route" ]
               "long_name" : "Williamsburg",
               "short_name" : "Williamsburg",
               "types" : [ "neighborhood", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "Brooklyn",
               "short_name" : "Brooklyn",
               "types" : [ "sublocality", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "Kings",
               "short_name" : "Kings",
               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "New York",
               "short_name" : "NY",
               "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "United States",
               "short_name" : "US",
               "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
               "long_name" : "11211",
               "short_name" : "11211",
               "types" : [ "postal_code" ]
         "formatted_address" : "277 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211, USA",
         "geometry" : {
            "location" : {
               "lat" : 40.714232,
               "lng" : -73.9612889
            "location_type" : "ROOFTOP",
            "viewport" : {
               "northeast" : {
                  "lat" : 40.7155809802915,
                  "lng" : -73.9599399197085
               "southwest" : {
                  "lat" : 40.7128830197085,
                  "lng" : -73.96263788029151
         "place_id" : "ChIJd8BlQ2BZwokRAFUEcm_qrcA",
         "types" : [ "street_address" ]

   ... Additional results truncated in this example[] ...

   "status" : "OK"

Please share suggestion , if anyone done this thing .

Thank you in advance .


  • So to answer you question if you want to get the neighborhood in the response you can iterate through the component_address and with a If statment check the types.

    var ac = results.address_components;
     // FOR loop to iterate 
    if( types == "sublocality_level_1") { // for brasil (and remember that types is also and array)
    var neighborhood = ac[i].long_name;

    I hope you get the idea