I write a bash script who manipulate hex values and i need to do XOR operation between two hexa numbers. My problem is when i try in bash prompt it's work and return right value but in script this value is false.
When XOR variable $ExtendAuthKey and $IPAD the result must be : 181ad673a5d94f0e12c8894ea26381b363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636
But in fact i get this value : 3906369333256140342
I dont understand this behavior, if you have explanation or solution i take it, thank
see my script : `
#Calcule AuthKey
AuthKey=$(snmpkey md5 $line $AuthID | grep auth | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
#Concat AuthKey + Ext0
#Calcule de K1 = ExtendAuthKey XOR IPAD
K1=$(( $ExtendAuthKey ^ $IPAD ))
#Calcule de K2 = ExtendAuthKey XOR OPAD
K2=$(( $ExtendAuthKey ^ $OPAD ))
#Concat K1 + WholeMsgIn
#Calcul Hash Concat1
echo ${Concat1:2} > tempH.hex
cat tempH.hex | xxd -r -p > tempB.bin
HashConcat1=$(md5sum tempB.bin | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
#Concat K2 + Concat1
#Calcul Hash Concat1
echo ${Concat2:2} > tempH.hex
cat tempH.hex | xxd -r -p > tempB.bin
HashConcat2=$(md5sum tempB.bin | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
If you do echo $((IPAD))
you will get 3906369333256140342
. The problem is that once you perform arithmetic operation in shell, your inputs get truncated to size of int
of your platform (in this case 64b). I suspect you will have to reach out beyond shell to perform the bitwise XOR (or process it in smaller chunks, but the md5 digest alone is already twice the size).