I am working on a project where I need to load a switch to either be .isOn or .isOff using Swift 4. I can do this in the main storyboard of the project by setting the switch to on or off, but I want the switch to be on or off based a boolean in my database for each user.
//Create outlet for UISwitch
@IBOutlet weak var switchBool1Outlet: UISwitch!
viewDidLoad() {
//pulling data from Google Firebase to get true or false value
dataRef.reference().child("USERS/\(uid!)").observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
if let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [String: Any]
//MARK - Local Variables
var bool1Value = dictionary["bool1"] as! Bool
//trying to set switches here, this is not working
if bool1Value == true && bool1Value != nil {
//following throws error: "Expression resolves to an unused l-value"
Any thoughts on how I can get my UISwitch to load on/off based on the true/false value in my database?
Use following code to change switch state, see here
animated: true)