I want to display the full contents of a Qlist containing instances of my Airports class. This class itself contains another Qlist that integrates the instances of a runways class.
Here is an exemple of the structure of the Qlist m_apList:
m_apList <2 éléments> QList<Airport>
[0] @0x29265df0 Airport
m_code "LFPO" QString
m_name "PARIS/ORLY" QString
m_position @0x29265df0 QGeoCoordinate
m_runway <6 éléments> QList<Runway>
[0] @0x292660d0 Runway
m_freqIls 110.3 double
m_ils 1 int
m_ilsRdh_ft 50 int
m_ilsSlope_deg 3.0 double
m_length 7874 int
m_loc 19 int
m_name "02" QString
m_position @0x292660d0 QGeoCoordinate
m_qfu 19 int
m_width 197 int
[1] @0x292661b8 Runway
m_freqIls 108.5 double
m_ils 1 int
m_ilsRdh_ft 54 int
m_ilsSlope_deg 3.0 double
m_length 11975 int
m_loc 63 int
m_name "06" QString
m_position @0x292661b8 QGeoCoordinate
m_qfu 63 int
m_width 148 int
[2] @0x29266270 Runway
[3] @0x29266358 Runway
[4] @0x29266468 Runway
[5] @0x292664f0 Runway
m_runwayLen 11900 int
m_unknown1 5000 int
m_unknown2 0 int
[1] @0x29265f50 Airport
m_code "LFPP" QString
m_position @0x29265f50 QGeoCoordinate
m_runway <4 éléments> QList<Runway>
[0] @0x292666e0 Runway
m_freqIls 0.0 double
m_ils 0 int
m_ilsRdh_ft 50 int
m_ilsSlope_deg 0.0 double
m_length 2297 int
m_loc 0 int
m_name "07" QString
m_position @0x292666e0 QGeoCoordinate
m_qfu 66 int
m_width 66 int
[1] @0x29266800 Runway
[2] @0x29266888 Runway
[3] @0x29265548 Runway
m_runwayLen 2700 int
m_unknown1 0 int
m_unknown2 0 int
According to the example of Qt here http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlistiterator.html#details, it is necessary to create an iterator to roll out the Qlist. But I get this error message "no match for 'operator<<' (operand types are 'QDebug' and 'const Airport')" with this code:
void listAirports(){
QListIterator<Airport> i(m_apList);
while (i.hasNext())
qDebug() << i.next();
I think it's necessary to iterate at lower levels to access each child, then child.
How can we simply scroll through the entire Qlist content?
Thanks for your help.
PS : Showing the Add method
class AirportsModel : public QAbstractListModel
AirportsModel(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR):QAbstractListModel(parent){
enum AirportsRoles{
PositionRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,
void readFromTXT(const QString &filename){
QFile file(filename);
if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList elements = line.split(",");
if (elements[0] == "A"){
QString code = elements[1];
QString name = elements[2];
double latitude = elements[3].toDouble();
double longitude = elements[4].toDouble();
double elevation = elements[5].toDouble();
int unk1 = elements[6].toInt();
int unk2 = elements[7].toInt();
int runwayLen = elements[8].toInt();
//Add Airport to m_apList
Airport ap(code, name, latitude, longitude, elevation, unk1, unk2, runwayLen);
else if (elements[0] == "R")
QString name = elements[1];
int qfu = elements[2].toInt();
int length_ft = elements[3].toInt();
int width = elements[4].toInt();
int ils = elements[5].toInt();
double freq_Ils = elements[6].toDouble();
int loc = elements[7].toInt();
double latitude = elements[8].toDouble();
double longitude = elements[9].toDouble();
double elevation_ft = elements[10].toDouble();
double ilsSlope_deg = elements[11].toDouble();
int ilsRdh_ft = elements[12].toInt();
Runway rw(name, qfu, length_ft, width, ils, freq_Ils,loc,latitude,longitude,elevation_ft,ilsSlope_deg,ilsRdh_ft);
//Add runway to Airport
} //readFromTXT
void addAirport(const Airport &point){
int mCount = rowCount();
m_apIndex = mCount;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), mCount, mCount);
m_apList << point;
Q_INVOKABLE int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const{
return m_apList.count();
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const {
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const {
QList<Airport> m_apList; //Les données du fichier sont enregistrés dans une liste de Airports nommée m_apList
int m_apIndex;
And here is the Airport class
#ifndef AIRPORT_H
#define AIRPORT_H
#include <QGeoCoordinate>
#include <QString>
class Runway
Runway(QString name, int qfu, int length_ft, int width, int ils, double freq_Ils,
int loc, double latitude, double longitude, double elevation_ft, double ilsSlope_deg, int ilsRdh_ft)
: m_name(name), m_qfu(qfu), m_length(length_ft), m_width(width),
m_ils(ils), m_freqIls(freq_Ils), m_loc(loc), m_ilsSlope_deg(ilsSlope_deg), m_ilsRdh_ft(ilsRdh_ft)
QString nameRunway() const { //lecture du code OACI
return m_name;
QGeoCoordinate m_position;
QString m_name;
int m_qfu;
int m_length;
int m_width;
int m_ils;
double m_freqIls;
int m_loc;
double m_ilsSlope_deg;
int m_ilsRdh_ft;
class Airport
Airport(QString code, QString name, double latitude, double longitude,
double elevation_ft, int unknown1, int unknown2, int runwayLenght_ft)
:m_code(code), m_name(name), m_unknown1(unknown1), m_unknown2(unknown2),
m_runwayLen(runwayLenght_ft) {
void setPosition(const QGeoCoordinate &c) { //Affectation des nouvelles coordonnees de position
m_position = c;
QGeoCoordinate position() const{
return m_position; //Lecture des coordonnees de position
QString oaciCode() const { //lecture du code OACI
return m_code;
QString airportName() const {
return m_name;
int runwayLength() const { //lecture du pays
return m_runwayLen;
void addRunway(const Runway &runway){
m_runway << runway;
QGeoCoordinate m_position;
QString m_code;
QString m_name;
int m_unknown1;
int m_unknown2;
int m_runwayLen;
QList<Runway> m_runway;
#endif // AIRPORT_H
You simply cannot print out your Airport
object with qDebug() just like that. What you can do is just serialize an Airport object yourself, e.g.:
void listAirports()
foreach (const Airport &airport, m_apList)
// Print out the airport's properties
qDebug() << "Code:" << airport.m_code; // Might be a member functions
qDebug() << "Name:" << airport.m_name;
// etc.
// Print out ranaways
const auto &ranways = airport.ranways();
foreach (const Ranway &ranway, ranways)
qDebug() << "m_freqIls" << ranway.m_freqIls;
qDebug() << "m_ilsSlope_deg " << ranway.m_ilsSlope_deg;
// etc.