I have functionality search above tags. I want to render all tags with check_box in form_for that I will filter those tags and render all items again with new parameters.
= form_for @tags do |f|
- @tags.each do |tag|
f.check_box(#{tag}, "yes")
f.label_tag "#{tag}"
f.submit 'Filter'
I don't know what you are asking because your question is not much clear, but trying to understand your question. If I understood your question then you need to add a filter with tags on the search page, right? If yes then try the following steps.
Create a form for search tag like
<%= form_tag search_path, method: :get do %>
<% for tag in Model.order("name") %> #=> Model means which stored your tags like "Tag"
<%= check_box_tag("#{tag.name}[]", "#{tag.name}") %> tag.name
<%= check_box_tag("tags[]", "#{tag.name}") %> tag.name
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Filter" %>
<% end %>
Or If you need filter separately clicking link and keep current search then
<% for tag in Model.order("name") %> #=> Model means which stored your tags like "Tag"
<%= link_to tag.name, request.query_parameters.merge({tag: tag.name}) %>
<% end %>
See the below image for keep current search and filter by clicking on the link
These all are view functionality, you need to update your SQL query.
I think it will help.