Here, my models and its relations.
// One to Many Relationship between receiptitems and receipts
db.Receipts.hasMany(db.ReceiptItems,{ foreignKey : 'receipt_id'});
db.ReceiptItems.belongsTo(db.Receipts,{ foreignKey : 'receipt_id'});
// One to Many Relationship between ReceiptItems and Payments
// This relation exists due to solve the problem of paying the debts later on !
db.Receipts.hasMany(db.Payments, { foreignKey : 'receipt_id' });
db.Payments.belongsTo(db.Receipts, { foreignKey : 'receipt_id' });
// One to many Relationship between Receipts and Plates
db.Plates.hasMany(db.Receipts, { foreignKey : 'plate_id' });
db.Receipts.belongsTo(db.Plates, { foreignKey : 'plate_id' });
Here, what I want to achieve is that I want to find the receipts that matches with the plate_id and find the receipts where each of its sum of payments are lower then the fee of the receipt.
// means that "less than"
where : {
plate_id : result.plate_id,
fee : { [ ] : db.Payments.sum('receivedPayment')}
include : [db.Receipts.associations.Payments,
For those who may have same concern, here the method for one way of doing this.
group: ['Receipts.receipt_id', 'ReceiptFees->User.user_id', 'ReceiptPayments->User.user_id'],
attributes: [
[db.sequelize.fn('SUM', db.sequelize.col('ReceiptFees.fee')), 'totalFee'],
[db.sequelize.fn('SUM', db.sequelize.col('ReceiptPayments.receivedPayment')), 'totalPayment']
include: [
model: db.ReceiptFees,
attributes: [],
include: [
{ association: db.ReceiptFees.associations.User },
model: db.ReceiptPayments,
attributes: [],
include: [
{ association: db.ReceiptPayments.associations.User },
}).then(res=> // do your work...)
Feel free to send me a feedback after you try that.