I have small table which contains students marks. Table data is shown in below image.
It is look like below in excel
I want to calculate the total using dynamic SQL. I don't want to update it. However, I just want to select all the data with calculated total using dynamic SQL.
Please refer below code:
DECLARE @CalculatedLineNumbers NVARCHAR(MAX)=''
SELECT @CalculatedLineNumbers = @CalculatedLineNumbers+ ', '+
CASE WHEN SNo = 7 THEN '[1] + [4] [7]'
WHEN SNo = 8 THEN '[2] + [5] [8]'
WHEN SNo = 9 THEN '[3] + [6] [7]'
FROM Student
SELECT @SNumberList = @SNumberList+ ', '+QUOTENAME(SNo)
FROM Student
SELECT @SNumberList=STUFF(@SNumberList, 1,1, ''),
SELECT Year,'+@CalculatedLineNumbers+'
from Student s) AS J
MAX([Marks]) FOR Marks IN ('+@SNumberList+')
) AS P'
Taking the excel screenshot to be the expected output, you could accomplish this with just specifying the Year
of interest.
Sample Data:
create table #sample_data
SNo int
, [LineNo] int
, ColumnNo int
, LineName varchar(15)
, ColumnName varchar(25)
, Marks int
, [Year] int
insert into #sample_data
values (1, 1, 1, 'Math', 'Jay', 97, 2018)
, (2, 1, 2, 'Math', 'Sam', 95, 2018)
, (3, 1, 3, 'Math', 'Jack', 90, 2018)
, (4, 2, 1, 'Science', 'Jay', 87, 2018)
, (5, 2, 2, 'Science', 'Sam', 88, 2018)
, (6, 2, 3, 'Science', 'Jack', 86, 2018)
, (7, 3, 1, 'Total', 'Jay', null, 2018)
, (8, 3, 2, 'Total', 'Sam', null, 2018)
, (9, 3, 3, 'Total', 'Jack', null, 2018)
The script below, determines the relevant ColumnName
values based on setting the Year
, and forces the columns to show up in the expected order based on the ColumnNo
values. After pivoting the appropriate records, the query makes use of the group by grouping sets
to generate the Total
declare @ColumnNameList nvarchar(max)
, @ColumnNameListSums nvarchar(max)
, @DynamicQuery nvarchar(max)
, @Year int = 2018 --set by OP in question
--get the full list of ColumnNames in a delimeter ("|") seperated string
set @ColumnNameList =
select stuff((
select '| ' + a.ColumnName
from (
select t.ColumnName
, min(t.ColumnNo) as ColumnNo
from #sample_data as t
where t.[Year] = @Year
group by t.ColumnName
) as a
order by a.ColumnNo
for xml path ('')
--its possible to use the previous variable as well, but easier to create another one
set @ColumnNameListSums =
select stuff((
select ', sum(a.' + a.ColumnName + ') as ' + a.ColumnName
from (
select t.ColumnName
, min(t.ColumnNo) as ColumnNo
from #sample_data as t
where t.[Year] = @Year
group by t.ColumnName
) as a
order by a.ColumnNo
for xml path ('')
set @DynamicQuery =
select isnull(b.LineName, ''Total'') as LineName
, b.' + ltrim(replace(@ColumnNameList, '| ', ', b.')) + '
from (
select a.LineName
, ' + @ColumnNameListSums + '
from (
select t.LineName
, t.ColumnName
, t.Marks
, t.[Year]
from #sample_data as t
where t.LineName <> (''Total'') --don''t need it, will generate totals later
and t.[Year] = ' + cast(@Year as char(4)) + '
) as a
pivot (max(a.Marks) for a.ColumnName in ([' + ltrim(replace(@ColumnNameList, '| ', '], [')) + '])) as a
group by grouping sets
--purposefully left empty
) as b
print @DynamicQuery --in order to see query being executed
Given the sample data, the following output is generated.
| LineName | Jay | Sam | Jack |
| Math | 97 | 95 | 90 |
| Science | 87 | 88 | 86 |
| Total | 184 | 183 | 176 |
SQL Server does not do "double headers", so you can't get the 2018 in the output of a query. You could manually add the top header of "2018" in row 1 in excel.