So I have a system that stores contacts and allows them to be put into groups. These groups can be defined by criteria (everyone with surname 'smith'), or by explicitly adding / excluding people.
The problem I am having is that when I list the mailing groups, I need to count how many contacts are in each one. This number can change as contacts are added / removed from the contacts table. On small groups / amounts of contacts it is fine, however using 50k ish contacts runs into problems
An example query I use for this is as follows:
SELECT COUNT(c_id) FROM contacts, mgroups
LEFT JOIN mgroups_explicit ON mg_id = me_mg_id
WHERE mgroups.site_id = '10'
AND mg_id = '20'
AND me_c_id = c_id
AND contacts.site_id = '10'
OR (contacts.site_id = '10' AND ( c_tags LIKE '%tag1%')) AND c_id NOT IN
( SELECT mex_c_id FROM mgroups_exclude WHERE c_id = mex_c_id ) GROUP BY c_id
The criteria table does not feature in this query, as the problem presents itself when large groups are created explicitly, rather than with a criteria. This is required as criteria based groups grow or shrink on the fly as you modify your contacts, where as explicit is generally set in stone. So in this case, if you explicitly add 20k contacts to a group, it adds 20k rows to the table marked with that mg_id as a foreign key.
This basically takes ages / times out / gets the wrong number / generally doesn't work very well. I either need to figure out a more efficient query, or figure out a better way to store everything.
Any ideas?
The 5 main tables that make up the database
contacts - where the actual contacts reside
Field Type Null Default Comments
c_id int(8) No
site_id int(6) No
c_email varchar(500) No
c_source varchar(255) No
c_subscribed tinyint(1) No 0
c_special tinyint(1) No 0
c_domain text No
c_title varchar(12) No
c_name varchar(128) No
c_surname varchar(128) No
c_company varchar(128) No
c_jtitle text No
c_ad1 text No
c_ad2 text No
c_ad3 text No
c_county varchar(64) No
c_city varchar(128) No
c_postcode varchar(32) No
c_lat varchar(100) No
c_lng varchar(100) No
c_country varchar(64) No
c_tel varchar(20) No
c_mob varchar(20) No
c_dob date No
c_registered datetime No
c_updated datetime No
c_twitter varchar(255) No
c_facebook varchar(255) No
c_tags text No
c_special_1 text No
c_special_2 text No
c_special_3 text No
c_special_4 text No
c_special_5 text No
c_special_6 text No
c_special_7 text No
c_special_8 text No
mgroups - basic mailing group info
Field Type Null Default Comments
mg_id int(8) No
site_id int(6) No
mg_name varchar(255) No
mg_created datetime No
mgroups_criteria - criteria for said mailing groups
Field Type Null Default Comments
mc_id int(8) No
site_id int(6) No
mc_mg_id int(8) No
mc_criteria text No
mgroups_exclude - anyone to exclude from criteria
Field Type Null Default Comments
mex_id int(8) No
site_id int(6) No
mex_c_id int(8) No
mex_mg_id int(8) No
mgroups_explicit - anyone to explicitly add without the use of criteria
Field Type Null Default Comments
me_id int(8) No
site_id int(6) No
me_c_id int(8) No
me_mg_id int(8) No
And the indexs / explain of query. Must admit, indexes are not my strong point, any improvements?
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 PRIMARY mgroups ALL PRIMARY,mg_id NULL NULL NULL 9 Using temporary; Using filesort
1 PRIMARY mgroups_explicit ref me_mg_id me_mg_id 4 engine_4.mgroups.mg_id 8750
1 PRIMARY contacts ALL PRIMARY,c_id NULL NULL NULL 86012 Using where; Using join buffer
2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const table...
Right so I got this answered elsewhere (Huge thanks to Hambut_Bulge), so for the sake of it being useful to anyone else heres the solution:
First things off you're mixing old and new (ANSI) style joins in the same query. This is considered a bad idea in SQL circles. By old style I mean we write a query with a join along these lines
SELECT a.column_name, b.column2
FROM table1 a, second_table b
WHERE a.id_key = b.fid_key
AND b.some_other_criteria = 'Y';
In the newer ANSI style we'd rewrite the above to this:
SELECT a.column_name, b.column2
FROM table1 a INNER JOIN second_table b ON a.id_key = b.fid_key
WHERE b.some_other_criteria = 'Y';
Its neater and easier to read which bits are join conditions and which are where clauses. Its also best to get into the habit of using ANSI style as old style support may (at some point) be discontinued.
Also try and be consistent in your use of dot notation and/or aliases. Again it makes big queries easier to read.
Back to your problem query, I began by starting to convert it into ANSI style and straight-away noticed that you don't have a join condition between contacts and mgroups. This means that optimizer will create a cross join (also called a cartesian product), which was probably something you don't want to do. The cross join (in case you didn't know) joins every row in the contacts table with every row in the mgroups table. So if you have 50,000 rows in contacts and 20,000 rows in mgroup you're going to get a joined result set containing 1,000,000,000 rows!
The other thing that is going to slow this query drastically is the subquery on mgroups_exclude. A subquery is executed once for each row in the outer query eg:
SELECT a.column1
FROM table1 a
WHERE a.id_key NOT IN ( SELECT * FROM table2 b WHERE a.id_key = b.fid_key);
Assume that table1 has 2,000,000 rows and table2 has 500,000. For each and every row in the outer query (table1) the database is going to have to do a full scan on the inner query. So to get a result the database will have read 1,000,000,000,000 rows and we may only be interested in 1,000! It will not touch any indexes no matter what.
To get around this we can use a left join (also called a left outer join) on the two tables.
SELECT a.column1
FROM table1 a LEFT JOIN table2 b ON a.id_key = b.fid_key
WHERE b.fid_key IS NULL;
An outer join does not require each record in the joined tables to have a matching record. So the example above we'd get all the records from table1 even if there is no match on table2. For non-matched records the database returns a NULL and we can test for that in the where clause. Now the optimizer can scan the indexes on the two tables id_key fields (assuming there are any), resulting in a much faster query.
So, to wrap up. I'd rewrite your orginal query thus:
SELECT COUNT( a.c_id )
FROM contacts a
INNER JOIN mgroups b ON a.c_id = b.mg_id
LEFT JOIN mgroups_explicit c ON b.mg_id = c.me_mg_id
LEFT JOIN mgroups_exclude d ON a.c_id = d.mex_c_id
WHERE b.mg_id = '20'
AND a.site_id = '10'
AND a.c_tags LIKE '%tag1%'
AND d.mex_c_id IS NULL
GROUP BY c_id;