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Run method from another method - Java

I want a message to display in the toolbar when the timer runs out. Here is my code:

private void startJButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                     

        Timer oneHour = new Timer(3600000, //RunTheActionPerformedShownBelow);


public void ReminderTrayIco() {

item3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            trayIcon.displayMessage("Title", "Message", TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR);

What I'm trying to accomplish is to run the code that is under 'item2.addActionListener' when the timer reaches 0. I feel as if there is a very simple solution right under my nose, but I just can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated!


  • Start by writing a custom ActionListener class which performs the required operation...

    public class TrayMessageActionListener implements ActionListener {
        private TrayIcon trayIcon;
        public TrayMessageActionListener(TrayIcon trayIcon) {
            this.trayIcon = trayIcon;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            trayIcon.displayMessage("Title", "Message", TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR);

    Now you can use it with item3...

    item3.addActionListener(new TrayMessageActionListener(trayIcon));

    and the timer...

    Timer oneHour = new Timer(3600000, new TrayMessageActionListener(trayIcon));

    This, obviously means that both item3 and the Timer code will need to have access to the same instance of TrayIcon when they are created