I want to start BDD on Ruby On Rails what should I learn? I don't know anything about BDD, RSpec or Cucumber. What is the best way to learn? Tutorials? Something that cover things like 'What behavior I should test?' etc.
RSpec specific; I keep these links for reference (might be advance for beginners). But just wanna share it with you. (Some of it probably already outdated but I think still worth a read)
Rspec Link Fest - links to other references
RSpec in Controllers: Testing your Application Controller with rSpec
Testing Controllers with rspec
RSpec in Models: stub_model by Dave Chelimsky
Do we really need Controller and View tests? - some discussion
RSpec in Views:
RSpec testing views for escaped HTML
Rspec Stories (now Cucumber):
Understanding RSpec Stories - a Tutorial
Rspec on Windows:
RSpec, autotest and Snarl on Windows - dunno if this still relevant
p/s: Some are from 2007, I'm not sure if the stuffs are outdated or not, but these are the some of my references used to learn RSpec. Hope it helps