How to create a typename that is the result of a reinterpret_cast?
For instance,
template<typename T1> class node{
using null_sp2node = typename reinterpret_cast<shared_ptr<node<T1>>>(NULL);
The above generates the following compiler error:
error: expected a qualified name after 'typename'
returns a value, not a type. Specifically, it is an expression. If you want to get the type of an expression, the correct tool is decltype
using null_sp2node = decltype(reinterpret_cast<shared_ptr<node<T1>>>(NULL));
However, because the result of a reinterpret_cast<T>
is an expression of the type T
, there's really no point to this compared to just:
using null_sp2node = shared_ptr<node<T1>>;
Of course, since reinterpret_cast<shared_ptr<node<T1>>>(NULL)
is il-formed to begin with, it really doesn't matter. You cannot reinterpret_cast
a null pointer constant to a non-pointer type (except for certain integer types).