I was trying to add edges in a boost::adjacency_matrix graph w/ bundled vertex and edge properties.
The code was as follows:
// VD and ED are just trivial structs
using Graph = boost::adjacency_matrix<boost::directedS, VD, ED>;
using Vertex = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor;
using Edge = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor;
const unsigned kNodesCount = 4;
Graph g { kNodesCount };
// create two nodes
auto one = boost::add_vertex(g);
auto two = boost::add_vertex(g);
// add edge between nodes (vertices)
boost::add_edge(one, two, g);
I got a SIGABRT due to a failed assertion within the boost::add_edge
overload for boost::adjacency_matrix
. It turns out it's UNDER CONSTRUCTION (as are a few other functions for adjacency matrices).
template <typename D, typename VP, typename EP, typename GP, typename A>
inline typename adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>::vertex_descriptor
add_vertex(adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>& g) {
return *vertices(g).first;
template <typename D, typename VP, typename EP, typename GP, typename A,
typename VP2>
inline typename adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>::vertex_descriptor
add_vertex(const VP2& /*vp*/, adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>& g) {
return *vertices(g).first;
template <typename D, typename VP, typename EP, typename GP, typename A>
inline void
remove_vertex(typename adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>::vertex_descriptor /*u*/,
adjacency_matrix<D,VP,EP,GP,A>& /*g*/)
So, my question is: how do we get around this? All the examples I find online utilize boost::adjacency_list
. Is there a way of achieving the same thing currently?
You don't. It's just not necessary to add vertices since you already initialized it with all the kNodesCount
you require. Instead, get the vertex descriptor for the existing vertices:
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
struct VD { };
struct ED { };
// VD and ED are just trivial structs
using Graph = boost::adjacency_matrix<boost::directedS, VD, ED>;
using Vertex = Graph::vertex_descriptor;
using Edge = Graph::edge_descriptor;
int main() {
const unsigned kNodesCount = 4;
Graph g { kNodesCount };
// create two nodes
Vertex one = vertex(0, g);
Vertex two = vertex(1, g);
// add edge between nodes (vertices)
add_edge(one, two, g);
0 --> 1
1 -->
2 -->
3 -->
In fact, due to the trivial nature of vertex descriptors in the adjacency_matrix<>
model, you can hardcode the vertex descriptors like:
add_edge(0, 1, g);
No, not dynamically. The operations supported are listed under