I am using Spring Boot 1.5.9 on Tomcat 9.0.2 and I am trying to cache lookups using spring @Cacheable scheduling a cache refresh job that runs on application startup and repeats every 24 hours as follows:
public class RefreshCacheJob {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RefreshCacheJob.class);
private CacheService cacheService;
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 3600000 * 24, initialDelay = 0)
public void refreshCache() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in RefreshCacheJob", e);
and the cache service is as follows:
public class CacheService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheService.class);
private CouponTypeRepository couponTypeRepository;
@CacheEvict(cacheNames = Constants.CACHE_NAME_COUPONS_TYPES, allEntries = true)
public void clearCouponsTypesCache() {}
public void refreshAllCaches() {
List<CouponType> couponTypeList = couponTypeRepository.getCoupons();
logger.info("######### couponTypeList: " + couponTypeList.size());
the repository code:
public interface CouponTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<CouponType, BigInteger> {
@Query("from CouponType where active=true and expiryDate > CURRENT_DATE order by priority")
@Cacheable(cacheNames = Constants.CACHE_NAME_COUPONS_TYPES)
List<CouponType> getCoupons();
later in my webservice, when trying to get the lookup as follows:
@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")
@ApiOperation(value = "")
public ServiceResponse getCoupons(@HeaderParam("token") String token, @HeaderParam("lang") String lang) throws Exception {
try {
List<CouponType> couponsList = couponRepository.getCoupons();
logger.info("###### couponsList: " + couponsList.size());
return new ServiceResponse(ErrorCodeEnum.SUCCESS_CODE, resultList, errorCodeRepository, lang);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in getCoupons webservice: ", e);
return new ServiceResponse(ErrorCodeEnum.SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE, errorCodeRepository, lang);
The first call it gets the lookup from the database and the subsequent calls it gets it from the cache, while it should get it from the cache in the first call in the web service?
Why am I having this behavior, and how can I fix it?
The issue was fixed after upgrading to Tomcat 9.0.4