Im trying to fathom out link_to_if,
While calling:
<%= link_to_if(!current_user.nil?, "My profile", profile_path(current_user.profile)) %> <br>
<%= link_to_if(!current_user.nil?, "Edit profile", edit_profile_path( {}) %> <br>
Its throwing this error.
undefined method `profile' for nil:NilClass
of course because i have logged out but shouldn't the link_to_if stop profile_path(current_user.profile)
from being called or i have i implemented it incorrectly?
but shouldn't the
hasn't even "started" yet. Before calling a method, all its arguments are evaluated. In this case, both condition AND the profile_path
(which fails). You should wrap the link in an external conditional.
<% if current_user %>
<%= link_to "My profile", profile_path(current_user.profile) %>
<% end %>