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Why do some rules seem to work randomly? How to debug which rules are currently satisfied?

I am having some issues with some rules. Some rules that are working one day, but they stop working the next day.

I am taking into account that the rules does not affect to the Administrator user.

I am wondering if I could print a logger message in the ir.rule model to check which rule domains are currently satisfied. I was taking a look to the model methods but I am not sure where to write it.


  • Well I got to write the computed domains in the logger when each view is loaded:

    def clear_cache(self, cr, uid):
        _logger.warning('-- CACHE CLEARED')
    def domain_get(self, cr, uid, model_name, mode='read', context=None):
        dom = self._compute_domain(cr, uid, model_name, mode)
        if dom:
            # _where_calc is called as superuser. This means that rules can
            # involve objects on which the real uid has no acces rights.
            # This means also there is no implicit restriction (e.g. an object
            # references another object the user can't see).
            _logger.warning('>> MODEL NAME: {}'.format(model_name))
            _logger.warning('>> COMPUTED DOMAIN: {}'.format(dom))
            query = self.pool[model_name]._where_calc(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, dom, active_test=False)
            return query.where_clause, query.where_clause_params, query.tables
        return [], [], ['"' + self.pool[model_name]._table + '"']

    I realised they are only computed when they are not in the cache. When I update the module the cache is cleared. But I still don´t know why sometimes rules are not working well.