So I'm trying to create a MongoDB factory with kotlin... but I think I don't really understand the concept of companion object
very well because I can't even get this to compile:
import com.mongodb.MongoClient
import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase
class MongoConnectionFactory(private val connectionURI: String) {
private var database: MongoDatabase
init {
val connectionString = MongoClientURI(connectionURI)
val mongoClient = MongoClient(connectionString)
database = mongoClient.getDatabase("paybotDB")
companion object {
fun getDatabase() : MongoDatabase {
return database
How would you guys achieve this? My idea is to create what in Java would be a kind of factory method. I can't seem to get the syntax right tho.
Furthermore, would this be a correct approach to DB connection factories?
Move everything to the companion object, pass the connection URI to the getDatabase method. Companion objects get compiled as a static field inside the containing (outer class). Since the field is static, it cannot access outer class's fields because the outer class is an instance.
I assume you want to cache database objects.
class MongoConnectionFactory() {
companion object {
private var database: MongoDatabae? = null
fun getDatabase(connectionURI: String) : MongoDatabase {
if (database != null) {
return database
val connectionString = MongoClientURI(connectionURI)
val mongoClient = MongoClient(connectionString)
database = mongoClient.getDatabase("paybotDB")
return database
But then you don't need a companion object nested inside containing class. You can create an object instead.
object MongoConnectionFactory {
private var database: MongoDatabae? = null
fun getDatabase(connectionURI: String) : MongoDatabase {
if (database != null) {
return database
val connectionString = MongoClientURI(connectionURI)
val mongoClient = MongoClient(connectionString)
database = mongoClient.getDatabase("paybotDB")
return database
If you need multiple databases with different connection URIs then store them inside the hash table.