I'm following the Universes chapter in cpdt (http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/Universes.html), which runs Set Printing Universes.
to see additional comments on the types. However, I'm running CoqIde 8.6 and it has no effect.
The following code
Set Printing Universes.
Check Type.
: Type
while the book says that it should output
Type (* Top.3 *)
: Type (* (Top.3)+1 *)
Am I missing some command? Should I use a different version of Coq?
EDIT: I just tried this in the command line with coqtop
and it does print the type annotations. Maybe I have to enable some additional option in CoqIDE?
Yes, CoqIde has a specific menu for this: "View" > "Display universe levels". There are quite a few other setting that you can access from the "View" menu, but their counterpart command (Unset Printing Notations.
, etc.) has no effect for CoqIde.