I need to have carthage for running Appium tests. While Appium community is still working on supporting XCode9.2, we need to rely on XCode 8.3.3 OS: MacOS High Sierria XCode version: XCode 8.3.3 Java: 1.9
But when I run command brew install carthage, I am getting below error:
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated.
Please refer below link, which implies that- XCode9 support for Appium is not yet rolled-out
Kindly suggest work around in meanwhile. Thanks
1) First of all be sure to remove everything:
brew uninstall --force carthage
2) Then search the commit that you like from here:
3) in your case might be this:
the one related to Carthage v0.24, which should be compatible with your requirement of working with Xcode 8.3.3.
4) then get the commit identifier f74d9ba598c9843552450abeb382cacd0e71d4c0
and run:
brew install https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/raw/f74d9ba598c9843552450abeb382cacd0e71d4c0/Formula/carthage.rb