I am using the following to get posts
This by default gives me 10 posts, which is mentioned in the docs.
But I want all the posts without having to keep track of pagination.
Is that possible?
If not is there a way I can run a JavaScript loop to get all posts?
* This will get all posts from a default WordPress REST API
* First we see how many pages there are
* Then we make subsequent XHR requests (via Axios)
* That paginate through every page of posts
// Importing Axios for simple AJAX request
const axios = require('axios')
// Importing RxJS @ v6.0.0-alpha.3
const { Observable, from, range } = require('rxjs')
const { switchMap, concatMap } = require('rxjs/operators')
const endpoint = 'http://demo.wp-api.org/wp-json/wp/v2/posts'
* This sets up the initial request and the Observable stream
* In the return from the endpoint, the Axios request headers will have x-wp-totalpages,
* which gives us... the total pages of posts ;)
const posts$ = Rx.Observable.from(axios.get(endpoint))
* We now know the total number of pages,
* so we'll switch to a new Observable that is just a range of numbers
* We'll start with 1, and end with whatever the total number of pages is
* This gives us a stream of 1--n--n--n... (example: 1, 2, 3, 4...)
{ headers }, // using ES6 function header destructuring and arrow functions here
) => Rx.Observable.range(1, Number(headers['x-wp-totalpages'])))
* We can now paginate through all posts, getting 10/page
* concatMap will fire off a request, waits until it completes, and then fire the next one
* In each subsequent firing, we ask for the next page of posts
.concatMap(page =>
axios.get(endpoint, {
params: {
// data here is an Array of WordPress Posts, tacking .length shows us how many per page we are getting
({ data }) => console.log(data.length),
err => console.log('Oh no, an error!', err),