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What is the underscore (" _ ") used for in Python?

I have seen this in a few contexts, e.g.,

in sequence unpacking:

_, x = L.pop()  # e.g., L is a list of tuples

to initialize a container:

X = _

So obviously this is not an element of the formal python syntax, rather the uses i am aware of appear discretionary.

So I'm curious what is the likely reason for its use and what are the advantages generally (if any)?

Note: my question relates to the use of "_" in scripts, modules, etc., but not its use at the interactive prompt. In IDLE, the interactive interpreter packaged with python, as well as in ipython, "_", is used as a placeholder for most recently returned result).


  • I've seen it used in two ways. Both as a throw-away variable but more commonly as a text wrapper for internationalization.

    Throw-away variable

    name, _ = ''.split('.', 1)

    Although I would not recommend this. Call it "ignored" instead.

    name, ignored = ''.split('.', 1)

    It's clearer.

    i18n wrapper

    from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
    _ = MessageFactory('my.domain')
    label = _("The label text")

    label will here be a "Message", an object that has a message id and a domain, and when rendered to a user interface (like a web page) it will be translated to the current user language via a message catalog, so that the label will end up in the local language of the user.

    _ is used here because it is short and unobtrusive. The resulting code, _("The label text") doesn't look to different from just a string, while MyDomainMessage("The label text") does look very different and also is much longer.