I'm trying to create isHighlighted Observable for my UIButton, to send sequence every time isHiglighted for UIButton has changed. And I've write something like this
extension Reactive where Base: UIButton {
var isHighlighted: Observable<Bool> {
let property = self.base.rx.controlProperty(editingEvents: .allTouchEvents,
getter: { _ in self.base.isHighlighted },
setter: { (_, _) in })
return property
The problem is, that it doesn't work for .touchUpInside
. If I drag finger outside UIButton and then come back, it works fine, but not for tap action. I think immediately after .touchUpInside
it's still highlighted for very short time.
Thanks @iWheelBuy I've created code that works, without RxOptional, I based it partially on your answer so Thank you! Here is working code:
extension Reactive where Base: UIButton {
var isHighlighted: Observable<Bool> {
let anyObservable = self.base.rx.methodInvoked(#selector(setter: self.base.isHighlighted))
let boolObservable = anyObservable
.flatMap { Observable.from(optional: $0.first as? Bool) }
return boolObservable