I am trying to deploy to azure via local repository.
git push --set-upstream azure master
In console, I see
remote: Preparing deployment for commit id 'bfe24a411c'.
The commit id isn't most recent.
git show
commit 429c7abcede0cd8874b70f2c37ea8f8e3e2d57e1 (HEAD -> CoreMigration, origin/CoreMigration)
Why does pushing old commit?
I have existing code repository hosted at bitbucket. The deployment from bitbucket takes too long, so I want to try to deploy form Local repository. So, I have a couple remotes. I followed https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-deploy-local-git . and added azure as remote.
So your problem is that your most recent commit is not on the master branch.
git show commit 429c7abcede0cd8874b70f2c37ea8f8e3e2d57e1 (HEAD -> CoreMigration, origin/CoreMigration)
from what you posted here your head is on a branch called CoreMigration. so running git push azure master will only push to master branch to the azure repo.
you need to merge your CoreMigration branch into master and then push to the azure remote