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Output spaces with uppercase array results

Code is supposed to take the input for the size of the array and a set of characters and output them as uppercase. My problem is that when I input a sentence like "i love chocolate" its returning ILOVECHOCOLATE. Is the issue how I am grabbing the input? Or am I losing the spaces else where?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> 
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;
void readString(char*, int);
void changeToUpper(char*, int);
void displayString(char*, int);
int main()
    int arraySize;
    char* characterArray;

    cout << "Enter the size of dynamic array: ";
    cin >> arraySize;
    characterArray = new char[arraySize];
    readString(characterArray, arraySize);
    changeToUpper(characterArray, arraySize);
    displayString(characterArray, arraySize);
    delete[] characterArray;

    return 0;
void readString(char* characterArray, int arraySize){
    cout << "Enter a string of " << arraySize << " characters to be changed:";
    for(int i= 0; i < arraySize; i++){
        cin >> characterArray[i];
void changeToUpper(char* characterArray, int arraySize){
    for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
        characterArray[i] = toupper(characterArray[i]);
void displayString(char* characterArray, int arraySize){
cout << "\nYour string Upper Cased: ";
for(int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
    cout << characterArray[i];
    cout << endl;



  • You can use fgets fucntion of <csdio> header file.

    The parameter of this function is char* and length including \0 and FILE*.

    This function is finished only by \n character. You can include whitespace character.

    But When u input a size of array, last character is \n. so u must clear that character.

    getc function reads 1 character from FILE stream. By doing this, u skip \n happend from input of array size.

    So these codes are changed.

    #include <cstdio>    
    cin >> arraySize; getc(stdin);
    void readString(char* characterArray, int arraySize){
        cout << "Enter a string of " << arraySize << " characters to be changed:";
        fgets(characterArray, arraySize, stdin);