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collect only if query returns less than n_max rows

Occasionally when connecting to my Oracle database through ROracle and dbplyr I will run a dplyr::collect operation that fetches more data than expected and than R can handle.

This can make R crash and is often a sign I should have filtered or aggregated data further before fetching.

It would be great to be able to check the size of the result before choosing to fetch it or not (without running the query twice).

Let's name collect2 the variation of collect that would allow this:

expected behavior:

small_t <- con %>% tbl("small_table") %>%
  filter_group_etc %>%
  collect2(n_max = 5e6) # works fine

big_t   <- con %>% tbl("big_table")   %>%
  filter_group_etc %>%
  collect2(n_max = 5e6) # Error: query returned 15.486.245 rows, n_max set to 5.000.000

Would this be possible ?

I'm also open to a solution using ROracle / DBI without dplyr, e.g.:

dbGetQuery2(con, my_big_sql_query,n_max = 5e6) # Error: query returned 15.486.245 rows, n_max set to 5.000.000


See below a partial solution posted as an answer, not optimal because some time is wasted fetching data I have no use for.


  • You can actually achieve your goal in one SQL query:

    Add the row count (n) as an extra column to the data, using dplyr's mutate rather than summarise, and then set n < n_limit as a filter condition. This condition corresponds to a having clause in SQL. If the row count is larger than the list, then no data are collected. Otherwise all data are collected. You may wish to drop the row count column in the end.

    This approach should work on most databases. I have verified this using PostgreSQL and Oracle.

    copy_to(dest=con, cars, "cars")
    df <- tbl(con, "cars")
    n_limit <- 51
    df %>% mutate(n=n()) %>% filter(n < n_limit) %>% collect

    However, it does not work on SQLite. To see why this is the case, you can check the SQL statement generated by the dplyr code:

    df %>% mutate(n=n()) %>% filter(n < n_limit) %>% show_query
    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT "speed", "dist", COUNT(*) OVER () AS "n"
    FROM "cars") "rdipjouqeu"
    WHERE ("n" < 51.0)

    The SQL contains a window function (count(*) over ()), which is not supported by SQLite.