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How to get top results using specifications in spring data jpa?

I am quite new to spring data jpa. I am trying to use specifications while querying database. My question is using crudrepository we can method like :

findTopByUsernameOrderByUpdatedAtDesc(String username);

How can I achieve the same using specifications? I can do basic things like and or in specifications, but not very robust like we can do with criteria etc.

Specification<CustomClass> spec = Specifications.where(specification).and(username);
List<CustomClass> list = findAll(spec);


  • This was done as follows :

     Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(0, 1, Sort.Direction.DESC, "username");
     Page oneElementPage = repository.findAll(spec, pageable);

    This will sort the data on username column in descending direction and return first result.