I found a lot of examples and methods to word wrap in Visual Studio Code but not for VS for Mac. Currently, I'm using the Enterprise edition with the latest updates.
Thanks to Matt Ward for let me know that this isn't implemented yet, but I managed to play around with the preferences. It's not perfect as VS for Windows, but it's close enough.
(Sorry that the VS for Mac is in spanish)
1) I made a few modifications in text files: 120 columns and remove the whitespaces at the end of the line.
2) Since I'm using a Macbook pro mid 2012 my screen resolution it's limited to 1280x80, so in XML files I set only 3 attributes per line, adjust the attributes and align the attributes.
3) I made modifications in C# but was only to set the system's using at the end of the block.
4) Finally, I made a keyboard shortcut for "Format the document"