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Remove the comma from Ghost Handlebars Template?

When traverse the tags, suddenly have comma. This may not be willing to see the effect. I am try remove the comma, but is there any way to remove ,? I saw the Ghost blog Document when not quite sure how to remove comma.

Look at the picture:

enter image description here


<span class="post-meta">
      {{#if tags}} 


  • Not sure what problems you was having.

    But I've knocked up quick snippet that shows it working.

    var source = document.getElementById("template").innerHTML; 
    var template = Handlebars.compile(source); 
    var data = {
      tags: ["Spring Boot", "MyBatis", "CRUD"]
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = template(data);
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id="template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
      <span class="post-meta">
    <div id="output">