I want to add a string to the input field whenever users click in that, how can i do it in angular here is the html segment
<md-input-container class="md-icon-float md-block">
<label>Dripo #id</label>
<md-icon class="md-default-theme" class="material-icons"></md-icon>
<input ng-model="manageDripo.dripoData.dripoid" type="text" name="dripoid" ng-pattern="/^[A-Za-z0-9]+((,|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*[A-Za-z0-9]+$/" required>
<a ng-repeat="driponame in driponames">{{driponame}}</a>
and ManageDripo Controller has
.controller('manageDripoCntrl',function ($http,$window,$location,$timeout,$mdDialog,$scope,Admin) {
$scope.driponames = [DRIPO-123,DRIPO-8987];
Considering the two-way bidding of AngularJs and that yours has ng-model, you will need to have an ng-click on that insert the given string you want at the variable associated with the ng-model, in your case manageDripo.dripoData.dripoid.
So in the html, at input:
<input ng-model="manageDripo.dripoData.dripoid" ng-click="insertString()" type="text" name="dripoid" ng-pattern="/^[A-Za-z0-9]+((,|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*[A-Za-z0-9]+$/" required>
At the controller:
.controller('manageDripoCntrl',function ($http,$window,$location,$timeout,$mdDialog,$scope,Admin) {
$scope.driponames = [DRIPO-123,DRIPO-8987];
$scope.insertString = function () {
$scope.manageDripo.dripoData.dripoid += 'The String you want';