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Jaspersoft Studio compiling legacy reports throws net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist

I'm trying to use the Compatibility features in Jaspersoft Studio 6.5.1(latest), but I get the following error when compiling reports:

 "package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist".

enter image description here

I use properties > Jaspersoft Studio > Compatibility to load previous versions of jasper reports.

enter image description here

I then select a previous version for the compiler

enter image description here

I also tried adding the legacy versions directly to the build path...

enter image description here

..But that didn't resolve the error. I'm running it on Ubuntu.


  • If you download the from sourceforge and unzip each one, then set the JasperStudio managed version location at each folder you unzipped to you should hopefully find that solves your problem