I'm trying to define a function named byteWidth
, which captures the usage about "get byte width of specific atomic type".
My 1st trial:
byteWidth : Type -> Int
byteWidth Int = 8
byteWidth Char = 1
And the Idris compiler complains: "When checking left hand side of byteWidth: No explicit types on left hand side: Int"
My 2nd trial:
interface BW a where
byteWidth : a -> Int
implementation BW Int where
byteWidth _ = 8
implementation BW Char where
byteWidth _ = 1
And in this case, I can only use byteWidth
like byteWidth 'a'
but not byteWidth Char
Your second attempt was really close to the principled solution. As you've observed the problem is that you can't take the type a
as an argument when implementing BW a
. But you don't care as you can always set an implicit argument explicitly later on.
This gives us:
interface BW a where
byteWidth_ : Int
implementation BW Int where
byteWidth_ = 8
implementation BW Char where
byteWidth_= 1
And you can then recover the type you wanted by partially applying byteWidth_
like so:
byteWidth : (a : Type) -> BW a => Int
byteWidth a = byteWidth_ {a}