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Spock with DbUnit test cases slowness

We have implemented Spock + Db unit framework as a part of automated unit testing.

We have now 2000 test cases (Features) for 150 Specifications with DbUnit.

Here, We add required entries in the DB and then test the behavior of each method.

What We have observed that it takes around 2 Hrs and 30 Mins around time to execute these test cases.

I have timestamped setup fixture and added time stamp in a feature method. Below are my observations:

allergy.dao.AllergyFormDAOSpec > Get Allergy Form STANDARD_OUT
    setup method execution started at : Fri Jan 12 19:00:42 IST 2018

allergy.dao.AllergyFormDAOSpec > API to get Allergy Form STANDARD_OUT
Feature method execution started at : Fri Jan 12 19:00:44 IST 2018
Feature method execution ended at: Fri Jan 12 19:00:45 IST 2018
Total time taken to run the one test case: 242

cleanup method execution started at : Fri Jan 12 19:00:45 IST 2018
Total time taken to run a feature method : 2531

Here, I have observed that it takes average 2-4 seconds to load a feature method after setup. But, Original test case execution time is less than a second.

I want to know if I can get pointers on what could be delay here ? As, 3 seconds for 2000 test cases means almost 1 Hr and 30 Min of time taken by Spock other than real feature execution.

To Summarize, We want to reduce total time taken by Spock test cases when we daily run it.


package allergy.dao

import java.util.Date

import org.dbunit.IDatabaseTester;
import org.dbunit.ext.mssql.InsertIdentityOperation;

import allergy.AllergyForm;
import be.janbols.spock.extension.dbunit.DbUnit;
import spock.lang.Shared
import util.MasterSpec

class AllergyFormDAOSpec extends MasterSpec {
    def dao = new AllergyFormDAO();
    @Shared Date timeStart1
    @Shared Date timeEnd1

@DbUnit(configure={ IDatabaseTester it ->
    it.setUpOperation = InsertIdentityOperation.REFRESH
    it.tearDownOperation = InsertIdentityOperation.DELETE
def content =  {

def setup(){
    timeStart1 = new Date()
    println "setup method execution started at : " +  timeStart1

def "API to test delete Form facility"(){
    def startTime = new Date()
    println "Feature method execution started at : " +  startTime
    given:"form Id is given"
        def formId = 99999
    when:"delete form facilities"
        def result =dao.deleteFormFacilities(null, formId)
    then:"validate result"
        def endTime = new Date()
        println "Feature method execution ended at: " +  endTime
        println 'Total time taken to run the one test case: '+ (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime())

def cleanup() {
    timeEnd1 = new Date()
    println "cleanup method execution started at : " +  timeEnd1

    def difference = timeEnd1.time - timeStart1.time
    println "Total time taken to run a fixture method : " + difference


package util

import com.ecw.dao.SqlTranslator
import catalog.Root
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification

import javax.sql.DataSource


class MasterSpec extends Specification {

Properties properties = new Properties()
public DataSource dataSource
protected xmlDataSource = [:]

static int timeCntr = 0;

//setup is to read xml file's content in xmlDataSource Hashmap
def setup(){

    //Get Running Class name without its package
    def className ='.') + 1)
    def resourceAnno = specificationContext.currentFeature.featureMethod.getAnnotation(FileResource)

    if(resourceAnno != null){
        def files = resourceAnno.xmlFiles()
        def packageName = ('\\.','/')

        for(int i=0;i< files.length;i++){
            def f = new File("src/test/resources/"+packageName+"/"+className+"/"+files[i])
            def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
            def template = engine.createTemplate(f).make(null)
            def xmlString = template.toString()

            //load the hashmap with file name as Key and its content in form of string as Value

def setupSpec() {
    Date timeStart = new Date()

    File propertiesFile = new File('src/test/webapps/myApp/conf/').withInputStream {
        properties.load it

    String strDBName = getPropertyValue("myApp.DBName")
    if(strDBName.indexOf('?') > -1){
        strDBName = strDBName.substring(0, strDBName.indexOf('?'))
    String strServerName = getPropertyValue("myApp.DBHost");
    if(strServerName.indexOf(':') > -1){
        strServerName = strServerName.substring(0, strServerName.indexOf(':'))
    String strUrl = getPropertyValue("myApp.DBUrl")
    String strPort = strUrl.substring(strUrl.lastIndexOf(':') + 1)

    System.setProperty("myApp.SkipJndi", "yes")
    //dataSource = new JtdsDataSource()
    Object newObject = null;
        newObject = Class.forName("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource").newInstance()
    } else if(SqlTranslator.isDbMySql()){
        newObject = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource").newInstance()

    dataSource = (DataSource)newObject



  • To analyze the root cause of this issue, we have did run an errand with below scenarios :

    1) 1000 Spock test cases without any Db or mocking dependencies (PowerMock)

    Sample Code to explain the scenario:

    package mathOperations;
    import groovy.lang.Closure
    import mathOperations.Math
    import spock.lang.Specification
    class MathSpec extends Specification {
        def objMath =new Math()
        def "API to test addition of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.AddNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.addNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 15"
        def "API to test subrtaction of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.subtractNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.subtractNumber(a, b)
            then: "Result should be 5"
        def "API to test multiplication of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.multiplyNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.multiplyNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 50"
        def "API to test division two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.divisionNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.divisionNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 2"
        def "API to test whether given both numbers are equal - Affirmative"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=10
            when: "Math.equalNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return true"
        def "API to test whether given both numbers are equal - Negative"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=11
            when: "Math.equalNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return false"

    --> It took 25.153 secs including build time and below is the report below

    Spock test cases without any Db or mocking dependencies

    2) 1000 Spock test cases with mocking (PowerMock)

    Sample Code to explain the scenario:

    package mathOperations;
    import groovy.lang.Closure
    import mathOperations.Math
    import spock.lang.Specification
    import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest
    import org.powermock.modules.junit4.rule.PowerMockRule
    import org.junit.Rule
    import utils.QRCodeUtils
    import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito
    import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.mockStatic
    import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*
    class MathSpec extends Specification {
        def objMath =new Math()
        @Rule PowerMockRule powerMockRule = new PowerMockRule()
        def "API to test add two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=5
            when: "Math.AddNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.addNumber(a,b)
            then: "result should be 15"
        def "API to test subract two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=5
            when: "Math.subtractNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.subtractNumber(a, b)
            then: "result should be 5"
        def "API to test multiple two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=5
            when: "Math.multiplyNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.multiplyNumber(a,b)
            then: "result should be 50"
        def "API to test divide two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=5
            when: "Math.divisionNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.divisionNumber(a,b)
            then: "result should be 2"
        def "API to test modulo of a number"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=5
            when: "Math.moduloNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.moduloNumber(a,b)
            then: "result should be 0"
        def "API to test power of a number"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=2
            when: "Math.powerofNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.powerofNumber(a,b)
            then: "result should be 0"
        def "API to test numbers are equal -affirmative"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=10
            when: "Math.equalNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return true"
        def "API to test numbers are equal -negative"() {
            given :"a and b"
            def a=10
            def b=11
            when: "Math.equalNumber is call with given values"
            def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return false"
        void mockGetOTPAttemptStatus(int status) {

    --> It took 9 mins 14.222 secs including build time and below is the report

    Spock test cases with mocking

    3) 1000 Spock test cases with only Dbunit. (Usually, We insert average 15-20 table entries in a test case. Here, We added the same)

    Sample Code to explain the scenario:

    package mathOperations;
    import groovy.lang.Closure
    import java.sql.Statement
    import mathOperations.Math
    import spock.lang.Shared
    import util.BaseSpec
    import catalog.Root
    import spock.lang.Ignore
    import org.dbunit.ext.mssql.InsertIdentityOperation
    import be.janbols.spock.extension.dbunit.DbUnit
    import org.dbunit.IDatabaseTester
    class MathSpec extends BaseSpec {
        @Shared root
        def objMath =new Math()
            IDatabaseTester it ->
            it.setUpOperation = InsertIdentityOperation.REFRESH
            it.tearDownOperation = InsertIdentityOperation.DELETE
        def content =  {
            table3(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table4(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table5(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table6(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table7(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table8(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table9(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
            table10(id:99,Code:'T00.0',Status:'A',LongDesc:'Unit Testing')
        def "API to test addition of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.AddNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.addNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 15"
        def "API to test subrtaction of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.subtractNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.subtractNumber(a, b)
            then: "Result should be 5"
        def "API to test multiplication of two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.multiplyNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.multiplyNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 50"
        def "API to test division two numbers"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=5
            when: "Math.divisionNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.divisionNumber(a,b)
            then: "Result should be 2"
        def "API to test whether given both numbers are equal - Affirmative"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=10
            when: "Math.equalNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return true"
        def "API to test whether given both numbers are equal - Negative"() {
            given :"a and b"
                def a=10
                def b=11
            when: "Math.equalNumber is called with given values"
                def result =objMath.equalNumber(a,b)
            then: "It should return false"

    --> It took 57 mins 18.136 secs including build time and below is the report Spock test cases with only Dbunit

    We have drawn a conclusion that Spock does not take time to run test cases but Power Mock which does instrumentation SO Link and DbUnit (Loads everything using reflection) were bottlenecks.

    Solution: We are going with in house framework to insert/delete database data instead of DbUnit. Also, We have replaced Power Mock with JMockit

    End Result: As I did post in the question total time from 2 Hrs and 30 Mins, has been now reduced to 6 Minutes for these 1000 test cases. :)