By accident, I wrote
if (var < 0 | List == NULL) {
where var
is an int
and List a int*
(array of ints).
I meant to write
if (var < 0 || List == NULL) {
I know that
The operators |, &, and ~ act on individual bits in parallel. They can be used only on integer types. a | b does an independent OR operation of each bit of a with the corresponding bit of b to generate that bit of the result.
Quote from here.
What I don't understand is that valgrind (with option --leak-check=full
) gave me the error Invalid read of size 8
in the first case and no error in the second case.
I think the data access to var
and List
is the very same in both cases.
What type is the result of List == NULL
"I think the data access to
is the very same in both cases."
No, the difference is short-circuit evaluation. With logical OR, the expression List == NULL
will not be evaluated when var < 0
But with bitwise-OR, you will evaluate List == NULL
even when var < 0
. Why that triggers an "Invalid read of size 8" is hard to say because you haven't shown enough of the code. But I suspect that List
is not initialized when var < 0