I have some problems with sphinx result.
When searching for normal words there are no problems. But if enter a nonsense words like "gghghghgh", the search result will not be empty. In fact, there is no text elements, that contain such query.
And i cant understand why that happend. Thanks!
mysql> select id from newsCache where match('ghghgh'); show meta;
| id |
| 133576 |
| 82617 |
| 43613 |
| 38385 |
| 37042 |
| 55744 |
| 42380 |
| 44921 |
| 52825 |
| 54994 |
| 85116 |
| 132790 |
| 143505 |
| 86185 |
| 38634 |
| 40388 |
| 49325 |
| 49751 |
| 58548 |
| 80700 |
20 rows in set (0.01 sec)
| Variable_name | Value |
| total | 348 |
| total_found | 348 |
| time | 0.009 |
| keyword[0] | g200 |
| docs[0] | 355 |
| hits[0] | 433 |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)
In my config i found such parameters:
morphology = stem_enru, soundex, metaphone
What i do:
Searchd --stop
- stop searchd serviceAfter that there is no strange result like "ghghghg0" =>"g200". All works fine.
Special thanks to @barryhunter for explanation of the solution on sphinx forum.
Hope this helps you.