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How to use plugins in Action Files Vue JS

We are using

In our Main.js

import Simplert from 'vue2-simplert-plugin'

In the xxx.vue file, we can call

var infoMessageBox= {
  message: "",
  type: 'info',
  onClose: this.onClose

This can work normally.

Now the tricky part comes. We will call dispatch (Action file) a method. Below code is example:

var requestMessage = {
  customerId: "",
  accessToken: "",
  store: this.$store,
  redirect: true,
  insideThis: this,
  network: "",
  alertbox: this.$Simplert,
this.$store.dispatch('checkIfCustomerExists', requestMessage);

Here is the action file

import Vue from "vue";

export const checkIfCustomerExists = (context, request) => {
  var infoMessageBox= {
    message: "",
    type: 'info',
    onClose: this.onClose

Above code will work and show the alert. This will work because I passed the this.$Simplert as parameter.

But I dont want to pass everytime to the parameter. I want to access it somehow inside this action file. I need to do some import or something like that?? How can I use this Simplert without sending it as parameter.

Update 1: Suggestion is to use bus event. I created a file event-bus.js

  import Vue from 'vue';
  export const EventBus = new Vue();

In the Vue file I do emit:

  import { EventBus } from '../../../../store/event-bus.js';


var requestMessage = {
  customerId: "",
  accessToken: "",
  store: this.$store,
  redirect: true,
  insideThis: this,
  network: "",
  alertbox: this.$Simplert,
this.$store.dispatch('checkIfCustomerExists', requestMessage);

However in the action file.

  import { EventBus } from '../../../../store/event-bus.js';

  EventBus.$on('i-got-clicked', Simplert => {

console is not printing. So I suppose this is not active.


  • Seems the plugin already uses an event bus for triggering the open / close events so you should be able to tap in to that via the plugin instance registered into Vue

    In your store, try

    import Vue from 'vue'
    // snip
    export const checkIfCustomerExists = (context, request) => {
      // snip

    Note, this seems pretty hacky to me. I'd advise you to raise a feature request with the maintainers to expose the SimplertEventBus so it can be used globally.