I have 3 pcs, A<->B->C
Where A is the rtsp server cumunication between B & C is only 1 way B->C
I want to send a video from A to C
A can only get rtsp requests
My sulution is this vlc pssado code in pc B:
meaning B get stream from A and retransmit it to C without the audio
Is there a way to tell VLC or other program to retransmit the video without Video Processing
Because A is streaming in very low delay and very good compression
I would start with this: http://www.live555.com/proxyServer/ and run it on B. You probably have to modify the proxy server to just stream your video as UDP from B to C without going through RTSP.
Alternatively you could use testRTSPClient (http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/#testProgs) and add a UDP server to testRTSPClient running on B and streaming from B to C.