so I have put together an asset check out sheet. There is a Check out button, I want a message to prompt " User ID is required" when it is clicked , if the user ID field is left blank . However, that is not the case with my current code, it just accepts the button click no matter what. Am I missing something here ? (code below)
Private Sub CHECK_OUT_BUTTON_Click()
If (IsNull(Me.USER_ID)) Then
MsgBox "User ID is required."
If Me.Status.Value = "Checked Out" Then
MsgBox "This device is currently in use."
If (Me.Status.Value = "Available") And (Not IsNull(Me.USER_ID)) Then
Me.Status.Value = "Checked Out"
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Looks like the User ID field was not registering as NULL
and was instead just an empty string.
Changing the line:
If(IsNull(Me.USER_ID)) Then
If(Nz(Me!USER_ID.Value) = "") Then
Should catch empty User IDs