I have two table like this;
|id|movie_id|title |season|episode|scraped|
|1 |22 |ep1 |5 |1 |0 |
|2 |22 |ep2 |6 |1 |0 |
|3 |33 |ep1 |7 |1 |0 |
|4 |33 |ep2 |7 |2 |0 |
|pid | imdb_id | imdb_title|
|11 | X-Files | imdb1 |
|22 | Seinfeld | imdb2 |
|33 | Lost | imdb3 |
And I want to combine two tables to one according to the only MAX number of seasons
. Example; Seinfeld's last season is 6 and Lost's only season is 7.
Table final version should be the like this.
|id|movie_id|title|season|episode|scraped|pid| imdb_id|imdb_title|
|3 |33 |ep1 |7 |1 |0 |11 |Lost |imdb3 |
|4 |33 |ep2 |7 |2 |0 |11 |Lost |imdb3 |
|2 |22 |ep2 |6 |1 |0 |22 |Seinfeld|imdb2 |
I tried this query, but can't include pages
FROM episodes a
SELECT movie_id, MAX(season) season
FROM episodes
GROUP BY movie_id
) b ON a.movie_id = b.movie_id AND a.season = b.season
WHERE a.scraped = '0'
Later tried another query this time added pages table but this query very very slow than before.
SELECT a.*, c.pid AS page_id, c.imdb_id, c.imdb_title
FROM episodes a
INNER JOIN pages AS c ON c.id = a.movie_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN episodes b ON a.movie_id = b.movie_id AND a.season < b.season
WHERE b.movie_id IS NULL and a.scraped = '0'
I know, a bit confused, but I hope explain it correctly. How can I solve this problem?
You should join witn the max(season) group by movie_id
select e.id, e.movie_id, e.title, e.season, e,epison, p.pid, p.imdb_id, b.imdb_title
from episod 2
inner join pages p on p.pid = e.movie_id
inner join (
select movie_di, max(season) as max_season
from episodes
group by movie_id
) t on t.movie_id = e.movie_id and t.max_season = e.season