How do I make a value change in real time after I input a specific field value in a form? e.g from the screenshot below , if I enter Quantity recieved as 10000 the Actual stock should compute to 80500.
so far this is the code for the on_change method I came up with : I would like to know whether this is the correct approach
@api.onchange('qnty_recieved', 'init_stock')
def _compute_current_stock(self):
qnty_recieved = self.qnty_recieved
init_stock = self.init_stock
current_quantity = self.current_quantity
self.current_quantity = self.qnty_recieved + self.init_stock
Below is a screenshot of what I am trying to achieve.
If i'm not wrong you want to change your actual stock in real time based on quantity received field.
This can be best achieved by using depends method.
def _compute_current_stock(self):
# Assuming current_quantity as the field name of actual stock
self.current_quantity += self.qnty_recieved
You should also add
compute=_compute_current_stock, store=True
keyword arguments to your actual stock field.