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Have Maven write to file in WAR package

What is the best approach to have my maven package-deploy project write to a properties file inside of a WAR file?

I currently have three separate maven projects that create their own packages:

a.war,, and c.tar.gz

Inside of the WAR file (a.war), there is a properties file that contains the following:

buildDate=2018-01-25 16:11:49 PST

The file is located here (inside of the WAR file):


On a Jenkins server, I have a job that uses maven to do the following:

  1. Pull the latest a.war,, c.tar.gz from nexus
  2. Package these into
  3. Deploy

I would like to have this maven job populate the ${deploy.number} in the file with the Jenkins job number. What is the best approach for this? Is there a way to do it without unpacking the WAR file?

I attempted this by adding the a.war/WEB-INF/classes to the <directory> section of the war file. As expected, the build did not fail; however, it did not populate the variable as well:

mvn -U -f ./PackageDeployPom.xml resources:resources -Ddeploy.number=${BUILD_NUMBER}
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/app-assets/apache-tomcat-8.0.41/webapps/a.war/WEB-INF/classes


  • Not sure if this is the best way to do this but here is how I did it:

    I used the exec-maven-plugin.

    The maven project now follows this procedure:

    1. Pull the latest a.war, and c.tar from nexus (place in to-be-packaged-directory).
    2. Use exec-maven-plugin to call a bash script. This script will:

      i. Copy the a.war file to a temporary workspace directory, unpack it here.

      ii. Populate the variables in temp-workspace/WEB-INF/classes/ (Using sed).

      iii. Use jar to update the file in the war file.

    3. Package the

    4. Deploy

    Here is what I added to the pom file for the packaging job:

                        <execution><!-- For Adding deploy Number -->
                            <id>Renaming build artifacts</id>
                                <commandlineArgs>scripts/ -b ${deploy.number}</commandlineArgs>

    Here is the working portion of the Bash script that gets executed with by the maven plugin:

    #Cleaning the TempWorkspace
    if [[ ! -d ${TempWs} ]];then
        mkdir ${TempWs};
        rm -r ${TempWs}/;
        mkdir ${TempWs};
    #--- end cleaning temp workspace ---    
    #Copying the war file to the temp workspace
    cp ${Workspace}/app-assets/${ApacheTomcat}/webapps/a.war ${TempWs}/a-old.war;
    #Unpacking the war file, using sed to make changes to variable(s)
    cd ${TempWs}
        jar xvf aw-old.war;
        sed -i "s/\${deploy.number}/${BuildNumber}/g" ${TempWs}/WEB-INF/classes/
    cd ${Workspace};     #Going back to the Workspace
    #--- end populating variable(s) ---
    #Updating the war file with the new properties file
    jar -uf ${Workspace}/aw-emr/${ApacheTomcat}/webapps/aw.war -C ${TempWs} WEB-INF/classes/  

    Maven is run with this command:

    mvn -U -B -Ddeploy.number=${BUILD_NUMBER} -f ./App-Asset-deploy.xml clean package