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How to Update Swift Version Dynamic Coca Touch Framework

I Created a dynamic framework on Swift 3.2 & Xcode 9.0 and use it in my projects worked fine, today, I update to Xcode 9.2 & Swift 4.0 so compiled framework on Swift 4.0 and export myFramework.framework so added by embedded Binaries it in project. This is a strange problem when add new framework with Swift 4.0 not resolve any Framework Classes and get error:

Use of unresolved identifier 'MyClassName'

I tired more solution but no solved my problem.

Note: All of Classes Framework have open access.

Where my Framework Problem?

Is there an easy way to update framework swift version?


  • The Issue was that I build framework via Generic iOS Device If it should compiled on iOS Simulators like iPhone SE or iPhone 8. I build framework on one of iOS Simulator Device and import in project.