I have a dataframe like below;
I would like to run row by row query in Pubmed using easyPubMed package. For each row/query should fetch list of PMIDs. This list should be retrived in another column called 'PMID'.
This might work
Query <- c('rituximab OR bevacizumab','meningitis OR headache')
Heading <- c('A','B')
x <- as.data.frame(cbind(Heading,Query),stringsAsFactors = F)
x$PMID<- ""
ids <- map(x[,"Query"],get_pubmed_ids)
for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
x[i,"PMID"]<- paste(ids[[i]][["IdList"]],collapse = ",")
I think that "sapply" won't return expected results so, going the "map" way from "purrr" package is safer.