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RestAssured ResponseBodyExtractionOptions: How to filter json objects from json

I have a endpoint which responds with

  "fruits" : {
    "apple" : "green",
    "banana" : 99,
    "oranges" : "floridaBreed",
    "lemons" : "sicilian",
    "grapes" : "red",
    "cherries" : 12,
    "guava" : "sour",
    "tomato" : 13,
    "melons" : "yellow",
    "pomegranate" : 37,
  "isRaw" : null,
  "foodtype" : {
    "typeOne" : "non-veg",
    "typeTwo" : "veg"
  "isCooked" : [ ],
  "isReady" : [ ],
  "isExpired" : [ ],
  "isHealthy" : null,
  "serialnumber" : 5555,
  "isAvailable" : "Yes",
  "dietValue" : {
      "nutrition" : [ {
          "vitamin" : "yes",
          "vitaminValue" : 3
      }, {
          "calcium" : "no",
          "calciumValue" : 0
      } ]
  "isEdible" : null

I have some code that gets this, bit I'm unable to get the nested value objects. For example I can get value for 'isAvailable' which is ='yes' But if i want to get value for 'grapes' or for 'calcium', then it does not work. Any ideas?

public String sendGetMessageValue(String messageId) {
    Map<String, String> response = doInternalModuleApiGet(messageId, 200);

    return response.get("fruits.grapes");

public Map<String, String> doInternalModuleApiGet(
        String messageId,
        int expectedStatus) {
    String url = getInternalUrl() + "/" + messageId;
    return sendHttpGetRequestAndGetResponse(url, expectedStatus).as(Map.class);

private ResponseBodyExtractionOptions sendHttpGetRequestAndGetResponse(String url, int expectedStatus) {
return given()
        .header("Authorization", "basic " + B64Code.encode("dummyuser:dummypass"))

public String getInternalUrl() {
    return ("");


  • The org.json library is easy to use. Example code below:

    JSONObject completeJSON= new JSONObject(" ..YOUR JSON String Goes Here.. ");
    String grapes= completeJSON.getJSONObject("fruits").getString("grapes");//Level2
    String available= completeJSON.getString("isAvailable"); //Level1

    You can get this details by modifying code as below :

    public String sendGetMessageValue(String messageId) {
        Map<String, String> response = doInternalModuleApiGet(messageId, 200);
         String fruits = response.get("fruits.grapes");
     JSONObject fruitsJSON= new JSONObject(fruits );
        return response.get("fruits.grapes");

    You may find extra examples from: Parse JSON in Java
