I have 3 counters with total count for word frequency on different strings.
Counter({u'childhood': 3, u'waiting': 2}) #counter1
Counter({u'childhood': 5}) #counter2
Counter({u'waiting': 2}) #counter 3
Atm I am able to perform counter addition to get the total word count for all words in all counters.
Counter({u'childhood': 8, u'waiting': 4})
I however need to take each counter and insert them on a hash table with the word as key and a linked list as value where each linked entry has the count per string per Counter.
[childhood] : [1,3] -> [2,5] #counter 1 - 3 times | counter 2 - 5 times
[waiting] : [1,3] -> [3,2]
How do I achieve this in Python? I was thinking of a dictionary with a deque inside? Or extend the counter addition function?
I'n trying to use existent python data structures without extending or creating custom data structure implementations.
Assuming you have some sequence counters
total = sum(counters, Counter())
table = {word: [counter[word] for counter in counters] for word in total}
will give you a dictionary like
'childhood': [3, 5, 0],
'waiting': [2, 0, 2]