I know and understand the usual method of adding items to a ListBox
using a logical test:
If a = 1 Then
ListBox1.AddItem x
End If
However, I was wondering if it is at all possible to .AddItem
directly with a logic statement? Something like:
ListBox1.AddItem If a = 1
This is not a burning question that has me stumped. I just want to know if there is an alternative method to add to my knowledge base.
As far as I am aware you cannot add logic statment directly with .addItem method. However, you can define a function, for example:
Function check(b As Integer)
If b = 1 Then
check = "x"
End If
End Function
And then use .addItem like:
ListBox1.AddItem check(a)
Edit: As @robinCTS noticed unfortunatelly this method will result on adding blank item do listbox item. So it would only work if you would like to have an alternative (for example add "x" or "y" depending on condition). It appears that issue with blank row could be only solved by removing it after .addItem line.