I'm trying to get a deeper view on my dataflow jobs by measuring parts of it using Metrics.counter
& Metrics.gauge
but I cannot find them on Stackdriver.
I have a premium Stackdriver account and I can see those counters under the Custom Counters section on the Dataflow UI.
I can see droppedDueToLateness
'custom' counter though on Stackdriver that seems to be created via Metrics.counter
as well...
Aside from that, there's something that could be helpful that is that when I navigate https://app.google.stackdriver.com/services/dataflow the message I get is this: "You do not have any resources of this type being monitored by Stackdriver." and that's weird as well. As if our Cloud Dataflow wasn't properly connected to Stackdriver, but, on the other hand. Some metrics are displayed and can be monitored such as System Lag, Watermark age, Elapsed time, Element count, etc...
What am I missing?
Custom metric naming conventions
When defining custom metrics in Dataflow, you have to adhere to the custom metric naming conventions, or they won't show up in Stackdriver.
Relevant snippet:
You must adhere to the following spelling rules for metric label names:
- You can use upper and lower-case letters, digits, underscores (_) in the names.
- You can start names with a letter or digit.
- The maximum length of a metric label name is 100 characters.
If you create a metric with
Metrics.counter('namespace', 'name')
The metric shows up in stackdriver as custom.googleapis.com/dataflow/name, so 'name' should adhere to the rules mentioned above. The namespace does not seem to be used by Stackdriver.
Additional: labels
It doesn't seem possible to add labels to the metrics when defined this way. However, the full description of each time series of a metric is a string with the format
'name' job_name job_id transform
So you can aggregate by these 4 properties (+ region and project).